www.anahealings.com www.anahealings.de www.anahealings.eu CASTELLANO DEUTSCH ENGLISH

Doctora AnaHealings

During day .. are you wondering ....that you are a miracle? That the human organism is a mechanically precise unit, in which thousands of processes take place at the same time. The balance of fluids, the concentration of oxygen, the production of digestive enzymes and the elimination of toxins are just some of the thousands of biochemical processes that keep the body balanced. I ask you: if you know that you are pure energy? everything around you is!!!! Energy is what makes the living alive, it gives order and beauty to the inert. It is mystical, we all use energy daily, a spark of desire makes your body change, if you want to raise your hand a million cells move at once, how do they know that you want something? your desire turns on the cosmic switch, it can create, it can move, it can show you something...with this I want to tell you ..... Balance is a prerequisite....

I evaluate what your body really needs

♡  Dr AnaHealings I would like to help you with an OPTIMIZATION REPORT : through 5 strands of hair and  receiving it in the laboratory : I will obtain relevant and accurate information about the current state of your organism. I will study your bioinformation offering you a detailed study on your cellular needs and personalized wellness report based on 96 biomarkers to improve your health!


What epigenetic markers you will get to know?

that will allow me to propose personalized adjustments based on the real needs of your body at the cellular level. 96 biomarkers, 69 of which are related to nutrition and environmental effects, including electrosmog.

An epigenetic report customized to your needs

  • Nutritional needs

    To help you achieve your health and weight goals, increase your energy during the day and boost your well-being through your body's real needs.

  • Food sensivities

    We help you identify which foods and additives may be causing digestive stress in your body, preventing proper nutrient absorption and promoting inflammation.

  • Metabolic systems status indicators

    Information on the current state of the main metabolic systems to restore their balance and optimize your immune, intestinal, cardiovascular, metabolic, sleep, emotions...

  • External factors

    How do you relate to the environment around you and how do environmental factors, toxic exposure and low-level electromagnetic charges affect you at the cellular level?

YOU WILL RECEIVE Sample Shipment Envelope: to facilitate shipment to the laboratory. Instructions for Sample Extraction: Detailed guide on how to perform the extraction of 5 hair strands with root, necessary for the epigenetic analysis.

The hair bulb will be used as a biological marker. You will get DETAILED REPORT of the indicators, progression of the treatment plan, discussion of any relevant pathology, test results, plus dietary and lifestyle recommendations.